Thursday, April 16, 2009

Get Your Fruit!

I have been able to buy blackberries at a very good price for the past 3 weeks. My favorite way to eat these is just pop them into my mouth and savor the juice! But mixing them with other fruits is fun to do as well. This might be a way to introduce different fruits to the kids. Or you can make a nice fruit salad for breakfast or even dessert by mixing your fruits together. Whatever you choose, it is getting your colors in a fun, nutritional way. With the blackberries, I tossed them with one cantaloupe that I cut into chunks and 1 kiwi, peeled and sliced. I whisked together 3 Tbsp of fresh lime juice and 3 Tbsp of honey. I tossed the fruits lightly together with the sweet sauce and put it into dessert bowls with a sprig of mint. It's quick and easy and very delicious. For a crunchy alternative at breakfast, sprinkle some granola on top!


  1. Berries are my favorite kind of fruit. Where I live, blackberries are VERY dear; almost in the category of 'special' occasion foods. Considering the price here, eating blackberries fresh IS the way to go. I wouldn't want to miss one squirt of wonderful juice! I bet the berries look beautiful with the other fresh fruit.

  2. I see a tiny package of blackberries today for $2. Thought that was a good price, but I am BAD. I have a hard time buying what I know sometime in the later summer I can pick for so much less $$. Now you know why Grumpy calls me cheap. lol.

    I mentioned you in my Potato Bread post and your towel is pictured wrapped around my bread...did you see that? ;o)

  3. I love blackberrys, and blueberries, we go to oregon every year and get tons, just found your site, nice pictures

  4. I adore blackberries and am so glad that blackberry season is getting closer! I used to go blackberry picking with my Grandmother years ago and it is work to get those berries!

  5. I love blackberries. Thanks for the helpful hints on different ways to enjoy them. Berries are so good for you. Have a great weekend!


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